Management Effectiveness And MIS

"Negandhi Estafen" provides a good model model for the analysis pf management effectiveness.
Which generates an entetprisein achievening the goals and objectives.
The Model puts a lot of emphasis on the managemet philosopy and the environment factors on
 which the effectiveness is dependent. The environment factors provide the opportunities to survive
and grow with certain constrains, while the management philosophy sts the guidelines for deciding
the management practice pf the enterprise.

          Fig :  Negandhi Estafen Model for analysis of  Management Effectiveness

While the environmental factor are difficult to control. it is left to the management to change the
philosophy towards the various players in the business, Vizz., the employees, the consumers,
the suppliers, the government, the community and the shareholder. Basically it is a change in towards these players. For example,
how look at the employees? If the attitude is to treat them as business partners, you will empower them and create a sense of beloging
to the organization Such an attitude will have an impact on the management
practices, where the employee will play a decises critical role. It will affect the organization
structure by reducing its size and the reporting level

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